I’ve been sitting here, faced with these photos of mouthwatering crispy coconut shrimp, and I find myself lost for words. So I’ve decided I’m not going to try and find them. In short, this recipe will rock your body. Because guys, it’s fried shrimp with sweet mango salsa and creamy lime sauce, wrapped up in…
How to Choose Sustainable, Affordable and Healthful Seafood
Choosing sustainable, affordable and healthful seafood can seem crazy hard. This is a big fat complicated topic, friends. My head was spinning at the number of resources I reviewed while trying to find the best information for you. I’m going to try and keep this as simple and as transparent as possible, and in the end I…
How To: Quickie Meal – Tomato, Basil and White Wine Mussels
It recently occurred to me that we’ve never posted a mussel recipe. Which is basically, unforgivable. What could be more perfect for a back to basics, quick and easy, (mostly) healthy cooking blog? Nothing, I say. Please accept my sincere apologies. Mussels are an inexpensive, easily accessible and unbelievably simple to prepare meal option. I…