It’s been five years since we’ve featured a grilled peach. Five very long years. How is that possible? When you take one of summer’s most delicious and juiciest fruits and add a little barbecue heat – magic! And when you take that grilled peach and add some salty halloumi and a perfectly ripe tomato, the…
Grilled Caramelized Onion and Mushroom Pizza
We’re in PRIME grilling season here in Canada. When you live in a freezing cold climate more than 50% of the year, cooking and eating al fresco is one of life’s great pleasures. Which is why come summer, we take full advantage of the barbecue. You all know we like our pizza on the regular over…
Bahn Mi Meatball Lettuce Wraps
We seem to revisit the flavours of our good friend, Bahn mi, over and over. There’s just something special about the magical combo of flavours (sweet, savoury and sour), textures (soft and crunchy) and temperatures (warm, cool and crisp), all in a single dish. Bahn mi are really all that. While we still adore the traditional…
Cheesy Brussels Sprout Pasta
Just when I thought I couldn’t love the Brussels any more, along comes a dish that makes me want to renew my vows. Also, have you ever had cavatappi AKA scoobi doo pasta? It’s a corkscrew shaped macaroni and it’s my new favourite. Sooo satisfying! Ooh. On top of that, it’s got cheese. Two kinds….
Sheet Pan Gnocchi and Vegetables
I’m all about easy these days. Come to think of it, it’s been that way for some time now – 4 1/2 years to be exact. Ever since we became a family of three, and then four, there is little time for three course dinners requiring multiple pots and pans. A holiday dinner? Sure. A…
Roasted Halloumi, Vegetable and Farro Bowl
We’re having a love affair. And it’s with halloumi cheese. This is where you hop in your car and hit the grocery store to pick some up immediately. And if your grocery store doesn’t carry it, you march on over to the store manager’s office and demand a supply! You shouldn’t have to go on…
Vegan Black Bean Sweet Potato Burgers
We’ve got two big holidays looming on the horizon – Passover and Easter are just around the corner. Let the holiday prep begin! On that topic, if you are looking for a Passover brekkie option, here’s a delicious granola recipe for you. And this Asparagus Tart would be just perfect for your Easter lunch. But…