So this recipe is the perfect fit for your Super Bowl party or your Oscar party. Which, I realize, have come and gone. Can I get a high five for being behind the ball on everything in 2020 so far? But I’m guessing cheesy stuffed potatoes qualify as a year round hit anyway. So here…
Seasonal Cooking
Sesame Ginger Spaghetti Squash
Disclaimer: Spaghetti squash on it’s own…not my fave. But with the right TLC, those slightly toothy strands of squashy goodness, can be totally sassy and delicious. It seems gussying up the humble spaghetti squash is one of our favourite cooking pastimes, because whoa…we’re now at half a dozen recipes! Now you can add Sesame Ginger…
Minestrone Soup. Because Winter.
*This post was original published in November 2012. It’s still hella awesome.* So it’s officially fall. The heat is on permanently, I’ve stopped biking to work because the days are too short and all I want is to stuff my face with casseroles and pastas and all things warm and cheesy. Soups tend not to…
Roasted Butternut Squash Apple & Carrot Soup
My husband has a thing for apples. Sure, I like apples. Especially this time of year. And every fall one of our favourite things to do is go apple picking as a family. Heck, we’ve got quite the apple recipe collection over here too! But my husband doesn’t just like apples, he loves apples. Loves…
One Pan Deconstructed Cabbage Rolls
Admittedly, I grew up in a home where there wasn’t a ton of cooking going on. It was the 80s and 90s, both parents worked outside the home, and it was a time to shine for convenience foods. As a result, I have an ongoing soft spot for Shake n’ Bake, Rice-A-Roni, Ragu pasta sauce and…
Watermelon Greek Salad
This post has been sponsored by the National Watermelon Promotion Board, who work to increase consumer demand for watermelon through promotion, research, and educational programs. As always, all opinions are 100% ours. Well, we’re officially back to the school year grind. Are you already feeling wistful about the long lazy days of summer, too? This…
Smoky Corn Chowder
Thank goodness most farmers’ markets are ‘cash only’. Nearly everything is in season, and my will power is no match for the piles and piles of perfectly mounded produce come harvest time. I’ve been waiting for almost a year to post this fabulous recipe developed for our How to Eat More Veggies Together cookbook collaboration…