This past week has been a doozy. It was insanely packed with social events, a wonderful conference put on by Ontario home economists and a trip out of town to Atikokan, Ontario for a family funeral. Atikokan is north. We’re talking 250km outside of Thunder Bay north. It’s a very small community (and the canoeing…
How to: Recipe Makeover – Kale and Brussels Sprout Caesar Salad
I’m suffering from an airplane cold. The kind that sneak attacked me on my way home from a relaxing and sunny vacation, thus ruining my healthy glow and all that extra sleep I caught up on. It’s also wreaking havoc on my taste buds. Which is clearly the worst part. So I’m in search of…
How To: Use Up Your Leftovers – Quinoa Patties
By now, you should all be quinoa experts – right? We’ve shown you how to cook it plain and simple, turn it into a delicious breakfast, and mix it with pomegranates, nuts, and a flavourful dressing for a delicious side dish. But sometimes, you want a little something extra special to jazz up that leftover tupperware of simple quinoa…
How to: Quickie meals – Grilled Cheese
Kraft single + Wonder bread + Imperial margarine +Campbell’s tomato soup = pure 80s magic. Who’s kidding who? It’s also pure 2012 magic. Grilled cheese sandwiches and soup were a quick and simple go-to meal in my childhood home. Still are, in fact. Though they have a bit more of a grown-up flair nowadays. If you’re looking for…
How To: Make Your Own Bread – Rosemary Beer Quick Bread
Can you smell that? It’s the smell of bread – hot out of the oven. I mean, is there really anything better than the smell of a freshly baked, still warm loaf of bread? I think not. Homemade bread seems to be one of those things people think is just too hard to make at…
How to: Make Pesto…and Use it!
My food processor was one of the first small kitchen appliances I owned. My parents bought it for me as a housewarming gift when I moved into my first grownup basement apartment in the big city. At the time it was one of the fanciest things I owned, so I displayed it with pride on my kitchen counter and…